Monday, November 9, 2009

The instruments begin!

A beautiful afternoon at Moya called for some outdoor play to start off the session: a game of name-calling ball toss was modified to be played with an industrial sponge, and a game of “telephone” (aka whisper down the line) resulted in the transformation of the phrase “I like chocolate and banana” into “kick me,” although one of the students might have messed with the system…

Next, students teamed up to draw fantastical musical instruments: each table received a large piece of paper with a basic shape on it, such as a circle or a square. By adding strings, pipes, mallets, ribbons, beads, speakers, mouthpieces, and jet engines, the students turned their shapes into instruments with magical powers. Some of the instruments could amplify themselves, one had a built in microphone, and one could shoot flames with deadly accuracy over great distances. The fantasy instruments are by no means complete, so stay tuned for updates on magical powers that might soon be added.

The final activity of the day, and the project that will remain a primary focus for the next few weeks, consisted of experimental instrument-making. Mr. Matthew and Mr. Ben demonstrated some of the differences between string, percussion and wind instruments, and Mr. Ben brought out his clarinet to demonstrate how a reed vibrates and makes a sound when the player blows hard enough. Students worked on cardboard-box guitars, pipe-cleaner tambourines, and drinking-straw oboes. A wild cacophony of melodious and percussive sounds ensued, as usual.

Next up: improvements and updates to home-made instruments, as well as ensemble music performed on soda cans and cardboard boxes.

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