Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Let's have a Parade!

Today everyone was very energetic, but mostly because we were using glitter!

And yarn, and construction paper, and glue to make our parade floats a little more colorful and multimedia than the marker drawings done on Monday.

We began class again today by playing Miss Becky's favorite game: ships and sailors. Take a look at Titanic and 3 people rowing.

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Ships and Sailors!!!!

Today we learned Ms. Becky's all time favorite game, Ships and Sailors! It's basically a way cooler version of Simon Says. In order to successfully play you have to be a super good listener and memorize a handful of directions and gestures.

Here they are in "Captain's Coming!" pose:

Everybody "Hit the Deck!"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back at it.

Our first day back at Moya was was a blast! We had a lot of new faces and even a new teacher! That's right, Mr. Ben graduated so now we have the fabulous dancer Miss Becky. With all the newness flying around the room we thought new nametags were in order.